The Bald Truth with Spencer David Kobren
Time Slot: 9pm-10pm (Sat)
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Spencer David Kobren, is the Founder and Director of The Bald Truth Foundation, the only organization dedicated to consumer advocacy, education and funding research regarding hair loss. He is considered the country's most prominent and effective hair loss consumer/patient advocate. He's the author of the groundbreaking international best seller, The Bald Truth: The First Complete Guide to Preventing and Treating Hair Loss (Simon & Schuster/Pocket, 1998, Updated and revised edition printed March 2000), the # 1 selling hair loss prevention and treatment guide in the world. His second book, The Truth About Women's Hair Loss (Contemporary Books 2000), the first book of its kind, includes a Foreword by pioneering geneticist Angela M, Christiano Ph.D., who recently discovered the first gene linked to hair loss.

Kobren is also the host of "The Bald Truth," his nationally syndicated radio program which airs live from the studio's of WOR Radio in New York and is a featured columnist on three of the most respected hair loss web sites including (the primary Internet hair loss resource for ABC-TV) and The Wall Street Journal).

Kobren and his work are the focus of the Discovery Channel documentary also titled "The Bald Truth."

Kobren has also been a guest speaker at last year's American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine's conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, the only non-physician or Ph.D. to be so honored and since then has been asked to serve on the Academy's advisory committee.

After years of researching hair loss and finally overcoming the early stages of his own male pattern baldness, which began at the age of 22, he has dedicated himself to helping others prevent and treat hair loss. As a consumer advocate, he consults on issues of patient and consumer rights in this unregulated industry.

Kobren and his work have been featured in articles in many publications, including GQ, The Wall Street Journal, Men's Health, Men's Journal, Newsday, The New York Times, ABC, and Dr. He has most recently been interviewed for ABC News 20/20 and Good Morning America. Spencer Kobren lives in New York City.

"Until the day comes when we can retire alopecia, due to the success of modern genetic medicine, Spencer David Kobren is our voice of truth in the madness of hair loss and the hair loss industry."