What we have here is the dynmaic trio of Frosty, Heidi, and Frank. These three are funnier than Sam Rubens trying to be "hip" and "cool." And they have a chemistry together that rivals that of Michael Jackson and his pet "Bubbles."
Frosty Still is the lovable loser of the group. The only person more pathetic than him is Sam Rubens. He was the guy in high school that always ate alone and got picked on by everyone. Even the four-eyed geeks thought he was uncool. The girls were repulsed by him and the only friend he had was a sock puppet. But now, several years later, millions of viewers tune in to him to hear what he has to say. He's also managed to find true love in his pet dog.
Heidi Hamilton is the token "hottie" with big knockers of the group. Her mesmerizing voice and sexy laugh can turn on even the gayest of guys. Even the homo Sam Rubens gets sexually aroused. And unlike other female radio personalities, she has a brain. She can match wits with the best of them. Oh, btw did you know she tastes herself?
Frank Kramer is "cool" guy everyone wants to be friends with. He voices the opinions of every male with a penis. On the radio, it seems he just doesn't give a damn about who he offends. And that's what makes him so great. Without his crude comments, the show just wouldn't be the same. Frank is so funny that he makes Chris Rock look like Sam Rubens.
The diverse personalites of these guys is what makes this show so great. And no subject is taboo for them. They're willing to talk about everything from having sex with your dog to having a down-syndrome football league. So if you want to have a good time and laugh up a storm, I suggest you tune in to these guys. And hopefully one day, they'll replace Sam Rubens and come on after Howard Stern so we don't have to listen to him whine like a baby anymore.
- Alan, Los Angeles.
Two guys, a girl, and a radio show....Yes, it's the Frosty, Heidi, and Frank Show. These three will add spice (and maybe some indigestion) to any lunch. Oh yes, the "triplet's" always have something to say, and a story to go with it.
Frosty-the strangly amusing, lonely, older figure with an odd relationship with his dog. He hasnt had a date since Reagan was in office, but I guess if your high school ex-girlfriend turned lesbian, you would feel the same way. He is also a cluts, how many people do you know can be blamed for their brother-in-law missing an arm??? But he is funny (sometimes) and is always interesting to listen to... Can you figure out the enigma of Frosty????....
Heidi- a beautiful, blonde bomb shell with an 8-inch tongue, guys and lesbians what more do you need???? She has style, personality, and everything a man or lesbian would want. Raised in Indiana, the girl is a total fantasy...And the best part of all, she is Single!!
Frank- well he is just cool. He's got a hot wife, crazy dog, a cyst in his nose, and he is blind in his left eye. From a scare of herpes to a fat ballerina in college, Frank is the most intriguing of all..
The "masses" are just a bunch of silly charactes willing to take on the battles of life Monday thru Friday from 12pm to 3pm. So, give them a chance and trust me, you'll probably like them.
- Kari, La Mirada
The FM Talk Radio where probably salivating when the Trio were let go from that other Radio Station. Being the rating whores they are they didn't hesitate giving them the afternoon spot when they had an opening. Now by listening to the King of all Media, Howard Stern in the morning, and listening to the Dynamic Triplets, Frosty, Heidi, and Frank in the afternoon, and finishing the day with the Professor Tom Leykis Los Angeles may now encounter slower working productivity. Now with the fairly new edition of Frosty Heidi, and Frank they will surely dominate the airways.
The hilarious quick witted raptorial that happens between the three of them is so entertaining you find yourself in tune with frequent laughter. Listening to them is like listening in on close friends telling each other anything and everything. After debating about the topic they encourage listeners to call in with their experiences or opinions.
Frosty, the oldest of the three tries to lead the other two to the most respectful, righteous path through life, and anybody else who doesn't share his philosophy. Frosty may have been born in the wrong generation for he's been trying to find Miss Right, but his idea of Miss Right is Mrs.Cleaver. His clever humor in most times funny in a higher intellectual way and other times only funny to himself.
Heidi, she's the hottie that every guy wants and dreams about. The Radio seems like the perfect outlet for Heidi. Without the Radio you may never known how hot and passionate she is, she doesn't hold anything back when she's on the air, "God bless the Radio". Off the air she's passive and shy where the guy has to make the first move, and for those guys who didn't make that move, you've missed out. Heidi adds and gives the women's point of view, and at most times with luscious details.
Frank, he's the true definition of a man's man, he the Mel Gibson of Radio. That was true until he married his beautiful wife. Every super man has his kryptonite and he was fortunate enough to find his. The only women he's now trying find is the one attractive enough even his wife will be willing to sleep with "keep trying Frank and gives us the Juicy details". He still entertains his listeners by telling his wonder sleazy bachelor days, and by that guys will try to imitate his old ways. That's until they reach the same wonderful demise. Even thou he's married he's still the same laid back flirtatious man who doesn't give a damn.  - Manny
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